Martial law in Burns, Oregon: Feds terrorize local citizens with check points, random searches, and guns to their head Harney…
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Strange Broadcast Oregon FBI Siege (Recorded, No Longer Live), Over 473,380 People Listened Live
Strange Live Oregon FBI Siege Happening Right Now, Over 473,380 People Listened Live – No Longer Live, just audio of event! This was the…
Continue ReadingOregon Governor A Democrat Says FEDS ‘Must Act’ Against Protesters and Armed Groups in Burns
Oregon Governor Says Feds ‘Must Act’ Against Protesters and Armed Groups in Burns 21st Century Wire says… So far, after nearly…
Continue ReadingWhat the Stand Off in Oregon is Distracting Us From – #OregonStandOff
What the Stand Off in Oregon is Distracting Us From By On April 24, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Anti-Terrorism…
Continue ReadingCold and Hoping for Snacks: Officials Plan Power Cut to End Oregon Standoff
Cold and Hoping for Snacks: Officials Plan Power Cut to End Oregon Standoff The armed militia camped out in a…
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